4. At present, we have sourced most of the showcased clips from third party sources, including YouTube. However, we request that music ministries give us direct access to video clips that in the event third parties alter their access policies, your video will still be accessible to AMG.
5. Music is a sensitive topic in most Christian circles, and highly sensitive in Adventism. With this awareness, we seek to avoid posting music videos that may be described as hardcore contemporary, including hip-hop, metal and punk rock.

1. Please submit a good quality video clip for review by directing AMG to an online source, or by mailing a DVD to Adventist Music Gateway, PO Box 2224 South Hackensack NJ 07606-0824; or
E-mail contact: info@adventistmusic.com
2. This site is reserved for the display of Seventh-day Adventist music ministries, and AMG will take prompt action to correct any departure from the stated intent, as proper information is received.
3. AMG's reviewers will determine whether the submitted/recommended video will be accepted for site listing based on production quality, vocal and/or instrumental quality, lyrical content, denominational sensitivity, and bandwidth considerations.
Guidelines for Submission of Entry